
Interest Cosmetology 10, 20, 30 

(5 credits, 5 credits, 5 credits) 

Are you interested in the beauty industry? Would you like to learn about a variety of different career pathways within cosmetology? Starting in Grade 10 you can earn 5 credits and start learning different skills and career options within both hair and esthetics. As you continue through the Interest program, you will earn 5 credits at each level. You will continue to explore the endless areas and skills that our fully functioning cosmetology lab can offer. In the interest programming, you will touch on long hair design, facial and body adornment, manicuring, make-up, skincare, and styling basics.

If you have an interest in pursuing this field after high school or just want to learn a new technique to better yourself during your school year, cosmetology could be the fit for you!

Please email Jovan Clark at  for Career Cosmetology information or Sheri Schuster at if you have any additional questions about Cosmetology!

Career Cosmetology 20, 30 and the Option for 4th Year 

(20 per level) 

Prerequisites: Cosmetology 10 

Uncertain about your future? Want to leave high school with more than just a diploma? Starting in Grade 11, you have the opportunity to enter technical apprenticeship training in the hairstyling field. By the end of the program, you will have received 42 credits and are eligible to write your first and second-year Alberta apprenticeship exams. This allows you to skip the expensive post-secondary hairstyling programs and go right into a hairstylist apprenticeship. If you are passionate and committed to learning a new skill set that you will have for life, consider enrolling in the career cosmetology program!

The schedule for the career program is 2 years of double blocks for both semesters. Concepts and curriculum that will be covered are haircutting, hair coloring, chemical texturizing, chemical relaxing, hair styling, and men's haircutting. All areas needed to write your 1st and 2nd-period apprenticeship exams.

So if you love the idea of constantly learning and gaining a skill that will carry with you for your whole life, inquire and email or explore