
English 10-1, 20-1, 30-1

(5 credits each)

This pathway is for students who plan to attend university. While each course includes six strands of English Language Arts—Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Viewing, and Representing—there is an emphasis on analyzing literature, creating the individual written voice, and teaching effective reading and writing processes.

English 10-2, 20-2, 30-2

(5 credits each)

This pathway is for students who plan to attend technical school or enter the world of work directly. Each course consists of six strands of English Language Arts—Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Viewing, and Representing—and emphasizes persuasive and functional writing and teaching effective reading and writing processes.

English 10-4, 20-4, 30-4

(5 credits each)

This pathway is for students working below grade level toward a Certificate of High School Achievement. Students who have experienced previous difficulty will learn strategies to develop workplace language competencies in the English Language Arts: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Viewing, and Representing.

For more information about the different English classroom streams we have to offer we have at LaZerte, please click on the slideshow link we have provided:

LaZerte English Info

Please email the following teachers if you have any additional questions about English.

Doug Romanchuk at doug.romanchuk@epsb.ca for English.

Expectations in English?

M.E. LaZerte prides itself on being an innovative and inspirational school, tirelessly looking for new and better ways to Inspire Passion, Develop Character, and Change Lives.

M.E. LaZerte's English Department has shifted its focus towards developing students' reading and writing processes, moving beyond traditional texts and tasks. The approach emphasizes skill-building, further signifying the importance of understanding the craftsmanship behind texts and applying these insights in students' own work. This change has been well-received over the past three years, with a focus on empowering students to appreciate and utilize the power of language in their writing. Pedagogical practices and grading systems have adapted to reflect this new direction of learning for our students here at M.E LaZerte!