International Baccalaureate
Please email Craig Korte at craig.korte@epsb.ca if you have any additional questions about International Baccalaureate.
What is the IB Programme?
The IB Diploma Programme is an internationally recognized two-year academic learning opportunity that is offered in over 150 countries around the world.
It promotes critical thinking and a well-rounded education, preparing students for university success globally.
Grade 10 students complete pre-IB courses that prepare them and build skills for them to enter the full-IB program in Grades 11 and 12.
Students can also opt for a partial-IB program, which allows them to take individual IB courses rather than the full diploma.
The IB programme includes more collaborative learning, enrichment opportunities, field trips, and practical lab activities compared to the regular curriculum.
Why choose IB at LaZerte?
Unique culture. Our IB students build and maintain a unique culture within our school that is build through relationships and teamwork. Your IB classmates will grow as a network of friends that are serious about their subject area studies and have high expectations for their future after high school.
Preparation for Post-Secondary. The IB Diploma provides you with the best opportunity to prepare for post-secondary education. IB assignments mimic what students will see in university classes giving them a valuable learning experience in high school. Time management, communication, critical thinking, and lab skills are all strong IB components that will assist you in preparation for post-secondary.
Fun and Unique Experiences. Students go on IB-specific field trips that are related to IB program components. Science IB students complete a special collaborative research project that features interdisciplinary approaches to solving complex problems. We also hold a special IB retreat for each grade level to build connections with each other with their classmates.
Early University Admission: Full IB students gain early admission to the University of Alberta.
Advanced Placement/University Credit: IB students may receive credit or advanced placement in university.
Enriched Learning: The IB program offers field trips, practical experiences, and additional teacher training.
University Success: IB students tend to score well on entrance exams (e.g., SAT) and have significantly higher university success rates compared to non-IB students.
Recognition: Both IB and Alberta marks are accepted for university entrance. Universities will take the higher grade (IB or Alberta) so students have greater chances of being accepted to the program they desire.
The IB learner profile:
The IB program aims to develop internationally minded individuals who work toward a better, peaceful world. It emphasizes traits such as global citizenship and a commitment to local action.
Below is the IB learner profile. These are the characteristics of an IB learner. If several of these characteristics speak to you, then you would be a great IB student!
The Pre-IB Diploma program:
Grade 10 Focus: The Pre-IB program helps students build the skills needed for the full IB Diploma in Grades 11 and 12.
Grade 10 IB courses have the same curriculum and assessments as regular 10-1 courses. The purpose of the pre-IB year is to have students build connections and relationships through their IB cohort. They also benefit from being surrounded by strong members of the IB community.
Prerequisites: Students should have an average of at least 75% in Grade 9 core courses and a commitment to becoming globally-minded and well-rounded.
All grade 10 pre-IB students take all core courses as IB courses.
We strongly recommend that grade 10 pre-IB students take an international language.
An international language is required to pursue a full-IB Diploma.
Grade 10 pre-IB Schedule:
Note: Pre-IB students may take CALM and Phys-Ed 10 in summer school between Grades 9 and 10 to make room for other option courses.
Grade 10 pre-IB students are required to take Math 10C IB and Math 20-1 IB.
All grade 10 pre-IB students take all core courses as IB courses.
We strongly recommend that grade 10 pre-IB students take an international language.
An international language is required to pursue a full-IB Diploma.
Grade 10 pre-IB students can still choose up to two options.
Students can refer to the IB course description booklet for more detailed information.
Students are encouraged to:
Cultivate the drive to become a more well-rounded individual and to engage in a learning community that values global awareness, local action, and active citizenship.
Embrace the values of the IB Learner Profile.
Earn marks of at least 75% (or a B+) in Grade 9 core courses, although an overall average of at least 75% across all courses is encouraged for admission.
NOTE: If a student does not have the grades required across all subjects to enter the pre-IB program, they may appeal to the IB Coordinator to take the partial-IB route in grade 10.