Science 10
(5 credits)
From atoms to reactions, organelles to organisms, velocity to energy, and a quickly changing climate-experience the worlds of chemistry, biology, and physics! Science 10 is your first step towards understanding the basics that help society develop new technologies and the workings of life and the universe.
Science 14/24
(5 credits each)
This pathway is for students working below grade level towards a Certificate of High School Achievement. Students study the world of science from a practical perspective exploring many areas ranging from the human body and technology to the environment and chemistry.
Science 10 Transitions
(10 credits)
Are you looking forward to taking 20-level science courses but need support to develop the necessary skills? Science 10 Transitions can provide you with an opportunity to develop key Science and Math skills before challenging Science 10 and allows you to have extended time to work on developing your science skills.
During the first semester, you’ll work on your Science and Math skills while preparing for success in Science 10.
The second semester continues with the Science 10 curriculum with additional support to prepare you to challenge your choice of 20-level Science courses.
Science 20, 30
(5 credits each)
The Science 20 and 30 program is for those who want a general science background without taking many courses. It is highly recommended for those who have an interest in the arts, NAIT programs, or nursing.
Science 20 takes you into the depths of chemistry, physics, biology, and geology. Learn how we use chemical reactions to create consumer products you enjoy, how to navigate in a two-dimensional world, and then how to analyze car crashes. Learn what factors determine the survival of species and the impact humans have. Finally, explore how we uncovered the Earth’s history by studying rocks.
Science 30 is a diploma-level course that may be used for admission into some post-secondary programs. The course expands on the concepts and skills introduced in Science 10 and 20. The themes of this course revolve around how societies obtain and use energy and affect global systems. The units covered in this course include: Living Systems Respond to their Environment, Chemistry and the Environment, Electromagnetic Energy, and Energy and the Environment. It has a diploma exam at the end of the course.
Chemistry 20, 30
(5 credits each)
Chemistry 20 students explore the structure and behavior of matter as it forms and changes. They learn why substances have the properties they have and how to predict that a substance may react with others. The units taught in this course are: Diversity of Matter and Chemical Change, Forms of Matter as Gases, Matter as Solutions, and Quantitative Relationships in Chemical Changes.
In Chemistry 30, students learn about the following topics: Thermochemistry, Electrochemical Changes, Organic Chemistry, and Chemical Equilibrium. Explore the energy associated with chemical reactions. Learn how a battery works. Look at the many ways we use fossil fuels. Learn why one acid or base is stronger than another.
Chemistry 30 is a prerequisite for many post-secondary programs. It has a diploma exam at the end of the course.
Biology 20, 30
(5 credits each)
Biology 20 takes an in-depth look into how energy and matter are obtained and used within organisms and ecosystems. The units studied in this course are: Energy and Matter Exchange in the Biosphere, Ecosystem and Population Change, Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration, and Human Systems.
Biology 30 explores the themes of change, diversity, equilibrium, and systems. Discover how your body regulates in changing environments. Learn about reproduction, inheritance, and DNA. Finally, learn what factors cause changes within this world’s many populations and communities.
Biology 30 is a prerequisite for many post-secondary programs. It has a diploma exam at the end of the course.
Physics 20, 30
(5 credits each)
In Physics 20, students learn to describe and explain how things move and why things move the way that they do. Then they are introduced to concepts involving energy. The units covered in this course are: Kinematics, Dynamics, Periodic Motion, and Conservation of Energy.
In Physics 30, students learn about the following topics: Momentum and Impulse, Forces and Fields, Electromagnetic Radiation, and Atomic Physics. Explore how to analyze car crashes and explosions. Learn how electricity works. Get a deeper understanding of magnetism and light. Then, finally, look into the world of the very small to discover what makes up matter in our universe.
Physics 30 is a prerequisite for many post-secondary programs. It has a diploma exam at the end of the course.