Supported Learning

Individual Support Programming

ISP supports students with severe to profound developmental disabilities. Students may have physical, sensory or behavioural challenges, and/or medical conditions, requiring special accommodations.

Our program provides:

  • Structured learning environment with regular routines and close supervision

  • Physical accommodations such as wheelchair access, specialized furniture and assistive technology

  • Smaller classes for more targeted instruction

  • Community service providers offer additional services for students as needed

  • Opportunities to participate in school-wide and recreational activities


Interactions programming supports students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ASD impacts how people understand what they see, hear and sense. 

Our program provides: 

  • Structured environment with regular routines

  • Smaller classes for more targeted instruction

  • Visual aids, concrete examples and hands-on activities

  • Frequent praise and other meaningful rewards to help students adopt positive behaviours and attitudes

  • Opportunities for community outings